Great resource for getting information about Russian cameras and lenses and see sample images taken with them. Actually the site does test many international brands but is very comprehensive with the Russian made ones. Photographer from scratch. Photography training, photography training courses, technique reviews, photography history, lens reviews, camera reviews Source: [PRO] PHOTO. Go and shootRead more
Posts tagged: #Russian
Narciss: a 16mm film SLR Soviet camera
Source: Narciss Soviet KMZ 16mm camera I’ve been reading about older KMZ products since I’m importing their new lenses and cameras to the US. This site is a great resource btw. I just stumbled across this really cool camera, the Narciss, which is a small stylish SLR that shoots 16mm movie film. The camera was originally supplied with spools to allow you to load movie film onto, and even a small developing tank was included. It has a detachable viewfinderRead more
A secret stash of hundreds of Soviet cameras found in a Kazakh warehouse – Kosmo Foto
A secret stash of hundreds of Soviet cameras found in a Kazakh warehouse Source: A secret stash of hundreds of Soviet cameras found in a Kazakh warehouse – Kosmo Foto This was a pretty amazing to learn that warehouses of new cameras and lenses may be out there waiting to be discovered! And I have a Smena that looks new that I bought on ebay last year… maybe one of them? I bought it because I read an article whereRead more
Zenit-E review – Kosmo Foto
Here’s a great review of perhaps the best selling SLR camera in the last century that maybe you never heard about? Definitely worth a read. These days these cameras are really inexpensive on Ebay and you even can get more modern versions with motor drive for about $140 with a f/2.0 lens Kosmo Foto review of the Soviet Zenit-E SLR camera, one of the cheapest M42-mount SLRs available. Source: Zenit-E review – Kosmo FotoRead more